About Us
The Jharkhand state is characterized by low and fragmented undulating land holding.
Most rural households are engaged in subsistence farming under adverse and risky
environmental conditions. The families are often engaged in low paying non-agricultural
activities. The sub marginal farmers, which constitute 49.8% of the population,
are having 0.4 ha land. Though the state is seasonal vegetable surplus, still the
rural community is deficient of food and nutrition ranging from 24% to 61% through
food grains, vegetables and fruits. Producers in these regions already suffer from
a serious technological and productivity gap compared to better endowed areas. The
undulated topography, traditional technologies, use of indigenous seeds are other
concerns. These and various other factors lead to poor productivity, less price
realization from farm produces specially for the poor tribal’s and geographically
scattered farmers. Increasing population is posing threat to the limited natural
resources and pressure on existing farm lands, which is triggering migration to
cities and other states. Round the year food insecurity and malnutrition is apparent
in rural areas. Agriculture based livelihood cannot go beyond a point if development
of two fundamental resources like land and water is unaddressed. There is enough
experience today to know that on an average net additional income Rs.35000-40000/-
per family can be enhanced in 1- 1.5 acre of land is required to stabilize farm
based livelihoods over a span of three to five years with institutional support
mechanism for sustenance. The project proposes to invest Rs 11,104/-per farmer in
span of 03 years and additional income of farmer will be increased Rs 40,000 – Rs
60,000 annually by third year of the project. The project is being implemented with
around 60,000 small and marginal women farmers belonging to ST, SC, Other Backward
Caste (OBC) and Below Poverty Line families and spread over in 577 villages of 5
districts. In all the proposed villages there exists women’s Self Help Groups (SHG),
involved in savings and credit activities. And some of the groups are linked to
different schemes of the government and banks. Some of these SHGs and livelihood
groups are already engaged in agriculture, collection and processing of non-timber
forest produce and rearing of small ruminants. All these activities would be strengthened
and intensified by providing inputs in regard to organizational development and
through different interventions. These SHG would be the pivotal point for planning
and implementation of the initiatives planned in the project. NRLM compliant SHGs
would be federated under producer groups in each Cluster, where the SHG members
would become equity holder. NRLM architecture would be placed for smooth functioning
local institution of women farmers to address the issues of agribusiness, agriculture
extension and other developmental issues including collaboration with panchayats,
line departments and other such institutions. Community cadre will be developed
in the form of Community Resource Persons which will be groomed on institutional
and technical aspects with a view that they will be serving as service providers
in the local area eventually on revenue earning basis through the institutional
channel of SHGs and producer organizations. Training, exposure and constant handholding
to the VO’s, Gram Panchayats and CRPs will be the key strategy of the project. The
VO’s and the CRPs are expected to be leading the project implementation with facilitation
support by the project staff. Agriculture based technology introduction, validation
and adoption will be the key to bring in positive change in the current productivity
level. ‚Farmer field schools, video enabled extension methods, voice based extension
method etc. shall be the key instruments to introduce and propagate technologies.
The sustainability of the project will be ensured by developing and strengthening
local CRP’s around all the project social and entrepreneurial activities who will
work on revenue model upon exit of the project.
Project Objectives:
i) To promote agriculture productivity enhancement programme through SRI, SWI, natural
farming, half acre model etc.
ii) To promote the maximum use of land by covering the agriculture land with crops
and vegetables throughout the year for retaining essential nutrient in the soil.
iii) To promote non-pesticide based natural farming in the agriculture land
iv) Up-gradation of knowledge and skills of women farmers in sustainable agriculture
and resource management practices.
v) Development of livelihood prototypes appropriate to local production system and
socio-economic conditions.
vi) To create a pool of local resources for the management and expansion of the
agriculture based livelihoods programmes
vii) To promote scientific lac cultivation and tamarind processing for increased
viii) To promote goatery and poultry as a supplementary income generation activity
ix) Improved working conditions for women farmers with the use of women friendly
tools and technologies involving low level of drudgery.
Project Strategy:
i) Identification of locally available community knowledge and resources for revitalization
and mass level propagation. Capacity building of women farmers and CRPs on sustainable
farm practices and resource management through field based training, demonstration
and exposure visits.
ii) Detail livelihood planning at household and group level including resource augmentation
& utilization plan, investment plan, working capital requirement etc. The plan would
incorporate possibilities of sustainable agriculture practices, cash crops, food
security as well as nutrition requirement of the beneficiary families, soil health,
environment, adoption of new livelihood activities etc.
iii) Development of community level Farmers Field School (FFS) as demonstration
cum learning platform for practical and experimental learning.
iv) Extensive convergence and linkages with PRIs and government programmes like
MGNREGA, NRLM, NSAP, RKVY, NFSM, ATMA and also with department of fisheries and
animal resource development for accessing inputs and technologies.
v) Strengthening market linkage for marketing of inputs and agricultural produce.
vi) Promoting livestock production, processing of NTFP and value addition & agro-processing
of agro-products by landless families.
Intervention Area:
Key outputs:
Following outputs are expected out of project intervention and convergence activities
by the end of 3rd year:
1. Enhancement in household income of 80% of women farmers by Rs. 60,000 per farmers
per annum by 3rd year onward.
2. Around 750 acres of additional land (fallow or through 2nd cropping) brought
under cultivation.
3. Cropping intensity/ gross cropped area increased by 30% above and over baseline.
4. Productivity of major crop increased by 30%.
5. Production and use of quality compost increases by 50%.
6. Around 80% women farmers start using bio-fertilizers and botanical extracts for
pest and disease management.
7. Adoption of improved & sustainable farming practices by more than 60% of women
8. At least 60% of women farmers adopt drudgery reduction tools and techniques.
9. Around 20% higher price realization for agriculture produce cultivated through
NPM practice.
10. Around 20% women farmers adopt integrated farming system for better utilization
of resources.
Value Chain Approach
The MKSP-AAP Project has a focus on intervening in 3 sub-sectors namely Agriculture,
Minor-forest Produce (MFP) and Livestock. Under MFP sub-sector the focus is primarily
on Lac and Tamarind, similarly in Livestock the interventions would be around Backyard
Poultry, Goat and Duck. The project has a mandate to do value chain intervention
around these some of the key products around these sub-sectors. The Value Chain
Approach would help in identifying the existing gaps in the market hence working
on those gaps in order to make the chain more equitable in terms of profit distribution
and building the capacities of the producers to graduate and take up higher degree
roles in the chain for better returns. A total of 5 Value Chains have been identified
with the help of scientific methods of data analysis and validation with the help
of an International Agency. The products for the purpose of study are namely Lac,
Tamarind, Backyard Poultry, Goat and Potato. The studies have been initiated and
are in the last stage for further analysis and developing strategies around the
gaps identified. After the completion of the studies, based on the findings an Intervention
Plan would be developed keeping in view the potential of the interventions. It is
expected that around each Value Chain some enterprises would be developed which
could be managed by the community institutions. However, all these interventions
would be designed in an institutional framework which would revolve around a Farmers
Producer Organization. The idea is to develop a local value chain within the identified
commodities and provide a better market access to the poor producers. The value
chain approach would not only provide a better access for the produce of the farmers
but would also help in procuring the right quality seeds and inputs in a right price
and time. It would ensure that the producers have the appropriate technology and
capacities to work as per the market demands. The gaps in terms of capacities and
knowledge would also be a part of the value chain approach. This set-up will create
institution like Producer Groups at the village level which would work with the
Farmers Producer Organization (FPO) at the Block or District level. The FPO would
establish the relevant enterprises which would add value to the commodities/produces
and finally help the producers with a better share of consumer rupees. This approach
will also help in developing the local economy in terms of investments and market